The learning loss was experienced by kids across race and income level, but it was particularly severe among low-performing and minority students, a well-documented disparity that widened during the two years of remote school. Students in the 90th percentile of scores lost three points in math, but students in the bottom 10th percentile lost 12 points in math." (Downey, 2022)
"Black students lost 13 points in math compared with five points among white students. As a consequence, the White−Black score gap from 25 points in 2020 was expanded to 33 points in 2022.
A May study conducted by Harvard University found that school closures and remote learning disproportionately harmed the academic performance of minority and low-income students, exacerbating the existing gap separating low-income and minority students from their white and wealthier counterparts." (Downey, 2022) Read the full article: